ISCB-Asia/SCCG 2012, session on Workflows and the Cloud for Reproducible Computing

Mohamed Abouelhoda
Nile and Cairo University

Next Generation Workflow Systems on the Cloud: The Tavaxy System


Over the past decade the workflow system paradigm has evolved as an efficient means for developing and executing complex bioinformatics applications. In our talk, we present Tavaxy, a new workflow system for creating and executing workflows.

Tavaxy is based on the concept of workflow patterns, which define control and data constructs. The use of these patterns facilitates the workflow design, handles remote services, enables parallelization of data intensive jobs, and enables integration of workflow systems. Based on a predefined set of patterns, Tavaxy can integrate workflows of the popular Taverna and Galaxy workflow systems at both run-time and design-time levels.

Tavaxy supports the use of cloud computing in a flexible manner, where the users can instantiate the whole system on the cloud, or delegate the execution of certain sub-workflows to the cloud infrastructure. With real NGS datasets, we will demonstrate the different features of Tavaxy on local and cloud infrastructures.


Dr Mohamed Abouelhoda received his PhD in 2005 from Ulm University in the area of bioinformatics and computational comparative genomics. From 2001 to 2003, Dr Abouelhoda was a PhD student at the Graduate School of Bioinformatics at Bielefeld University. From 2005 until 2007, he worked as a Postdoc fellow at the computer science department of Ulm University. Currently, Dr. Abouelhoda is heading the bioinformatics group at Nile University, Egypt. Dr Abouelhoda was awarded the PhD Prize in Germany in Computer Science in 2005, Microsoft fellowship in 2009, and IBM fellowship in 2010. From 2009-2010, Dr Aboulehoda was a honorary research fellow at Imperial College London. 2011-2012, Dr Abouelhoda was a visiting professor at Bielefeld University.